

  • Establish your dates spanning one year to gather your past turnover data. (Example: February 1, 2020 - January 31, 2021)
  • Collect and enter the data into the following columns on TAB 1:
    1. Employee Name (Column A)
    2. Direct Supervisor (Column B)
    3. Hire Date (Column F)
    4. Separation Date (Column G)
  • Save and post Excel document in shared folder. Notify all supervisors in Column B to answer the questions in Column C, D, and E  for each of their separated employees listed on TAB 1 by xx/xx/xx date.
  • On TAB 2, enter the total number of positions in Row 10, Column B (whether the positions are filled or not).

Everything else is calculated for you in TABS 1-3.




  • You can begin collecting this data once corrective action/interviewer training has been implemented. Similar to "Past (Baseline)" data, fill in Columns A, B and F on TAB 4 but not Column G. 
  • Supervisors complete Columns C, D, and E for each new hire but only after their training is complete and the employee has had time to ramp up. The "Example" data was collected four months after the start date.
  • If an employee leaves within the first year, a separation date is added to Column G. The direct supervisor is asked to complete Columns I and J. (Note: These columns are highlighted in gray.)
  • TAB 4 is updated periodically (every two months is recommended) until a full year of data has been collected. 
  • On TAB 5, enter the total number of positions in Row 10, Column B. Unless new positions have been created, this number should be the same a TAB 2, Row 10, Column B.

Everything else is calculated for you in TABS 4-6 including the before and after comparison.